You’re in Good Hands with the Lord

Jeremiah 20:11

New International Version

But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;
    so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.
They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;
    their dishonor will never be forgotten.

For your Encouragement

Allow me to speak to you who are going into this weekend with a heavy emotional burden. You may have engaged in an arduous battle in the office or a severe conflict with friends, family, or even people you have never met but who have made you the target of their pernicious accusations. Your heart is heavy, and like that of David among his enemies with Saul on the chase, you are exhausted. 

Like Jeremiah, you hear many whisperings everywhere you turn. Terror has surrounded you on every side, as your enemies threaten to report your words and movement to the authorities.

Meanwhile, your old buddies are watching and waiting for what, in their minds, would be your inevitable fall. They have taken bets on your definite misstep or gaffe that would trap you so they could jump on you as prey. They have never forgotten how you upstaged them with your performance or how they have lost favor since you showed up and settled among them.

Though you are strong and fearless, your heart skips a beat now and then. When will this struggle end?  

Well, hear these comforting words from the Prophet Jeremiah this morning and set your heart at peace in Christ. Let it be your mantra, and plan for a restful and restorative weekend in the Lord.

The Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;

    so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.

They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;

    their dishonor will never be forgotten (Jeremiah 20:11).

Isn’t that wonderful? Does it not warm your heart to know that amid your troubles, the God of Israel is with you like a mighty warrior to lead you into your battles?

Remember Joshua before the battle of Jericho and the strange man who turned out to be the Commander of the army of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-14)? That is your Mighty Warrior with you before your persecutors, my friend. So, how could they prevail over you?

May the Holy Spirit impress this truth in your heart to strengthen your posture before your tormentors and be still as they suffer the retribution of the Lord. Amen!

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