Celebrate Your Uniqueness

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For Your Encouragement

You differ from everybody else. Though a million people may bear the same name as you, you stand out in God’s eyes. He handcrafted you with all the complexities of your inner being (Psalm 139:13).

The Most High took time to weave you in your mother’s womb into this intricate, beautiful tapestry of a person like no other and tagged you with a DNA that makes you unique. For this reason, He deals with you with divine knowledge and understands you better than anybody could.

So, don’t look down on yourself. Don’t allow anybody to trash you. Hold your head high in Christ Jesus and thank Him for making you “so wonderfully complex” that only He can fix you when you’re locked in a jam.

Marvel at His workmanship and declare it with profuse praise (14). Then, step out boldly with the confidence of a child of God to confront the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

You are God’s badge of honor through Christ Jesus. He is proud of you, so be proud of yourself in Him. Amen!

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