Confident in His Keeping

Psalm 16:7-8

New King James Version

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

For Encouragement
The greatest source of joy and security in this tumultuous world is the pure and unfailing fellowship we have with the Lord. We derive this joy from knowing that He is always with us and constantly protects us. As faithful servants of Christ, we should never doubt that He will keep us safe in every circumstance. So, we can rejoice in our fellowship with Him and feel secure against every adversity or challenge.

Imagine Joshua’s confidence and assurance of victory when, in his meditative and contemplative mood the night before the Battle of Jericho (a significant event in the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land, where they were about to face a formidable enemy), he saw the Pre-incarnate Christ and heard these words: 

As Commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come (Joshua 5:14). 

From that time on, Joshua looked to the Lord as Commander-in-Chief, assured that He will always lead Israel through the conquest of the Promised Land.

David echoed this sentiment in Psalm 16. He grew to know and trust in God in life (1-8). Through his walk with Him, God assured David that even in death, God will keep him (9-11). He feared nothing because He could confidently say to the Lord, 

You are my Lord; apart from you, I have no good thing.

God was David’s counselor during the day and instructor during the night, when darkness ruled. Why would he not praise the Lord (7)? David, therefore, always kept his eyes on God and would not fix them on any other. Whenever life was at its bitterest point, David knew that the Lord was at His right side to support him; so, how could he fall (8)?

Is that not our confidence in Christ? How can we miss the way or fail when we fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith? Because He suffered and overcame every trial and eventual death on the cross, He can keep us till glory (Hebrews 12:2).

As you embark on this new week, cast aside any anxieties about the challenges that lie ahead. Do not fear the giants that threaten you or the gates of your Jericho walls that are shut. Remember, there is no challenge that surpasses the power of God and no gate or door that can resist His authority (Psalm 24:7). At His command, they will open for Him to take you through to possess what He has for you. This is your empowerment through God’s guidance and protection, inspiring confidence in your journey.

So, let gladness fill your heart and your tongue rejoice in the Lord your Savior and Keeper. He will surely keep you. Amen! This is the joy and spiritual upliftment that comes from knowing and trusting in the Lord. 

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