Caught in Their Trap

Mark 12:17

New International Version

For Meditation

It’s a subtle phenomenon – the union of enemies to pursue a common enemy. Gangsters are notorious for this, after which they visciously assume their adversarial positions.

In the history of the world , no one has drawn more enemies to Himself more than the Carpenter from Nazareth. Read through the gospels and observe the number of plots against Him. None, however, raise an eyebrow for me than when the Pharisees and Herodians allied to catch Jesus in His words (Mk. 12:13-17).

Those were two groups of people who hated each other, so why the alliance?
The Herodians were a group of Jews who supported the rule of the Herods, a non-Jewish dynasty of kings under the Roman administration. That’s not a group the Pharisees would align with under normal circumstances. However, Jesus is not your ordinary “circumstance.”

The son of a young woman scandalized for carrying Him during her betrothal. Bethlehem became His place of birth with no decent place and room to receive Him into the world, but a sheeppen.

Angels announced His birth to shepherds in the field, and wisemen came from a far country to pay homage to the little child, bearing precious gifts worthy of kings but who knew or cared. The Messiah would never come to His people in obscurity, and certainly, will not be born among sheep and placed in a manger.

At twelve years, He taught in the temple courts, surrounded by amazed learned scribes. When John baptized Him in the Jordan, the heaven opened, and the Spirit descended on Him like a dove before a large crowd. A voice from heaven announced Him as God’s beloved Son.

At Cana, He delighted the guests of a wedded couple by turning water into wine.

His sermons and teachings captivated large crowds who confessed they had never heard any teach with such authority. He healed like no other. Demons recognized him and fled at His command. The blind, lame, leprous, and deaf all received their healing. Jesus even raised the dead. Why would the people have enough of Him

They crowded around Him everywhere, so the religious leaders, the Pharisees, and the teachers of the law could not take it. They despised Him to the core and had to get rid of Him.

The dynasty of Herod felt threatened too, as He claimed to be the Messiah, Israel’s real king. Jesus must therefore die. Two opposing groups with a common enemy. What an opportunity! As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

So, a delegation of these two parties – the Pharisees and Herodians – came to Jesus with a scenario they trusted would trap Him by His response.

Should we pay taxes to Caesar or not?
Crafty people they were. They tried the flattery way by heaping praise and affirmation on Him (Mk. 12:14) before their question. How many haven’t fallen for such ploy, but not Jesus. He knew their hypocrisy and called them out.

With a denarius, Jesus demonstrated His wisdom and posed a counter question that dismantled their plot and sent them away, scratching their heads (15-17).

“Give back to Caeser what is Ceaser’s and to God what is God’s” (17).

Jesus never ceased to amaze, yet His haters continued in their defiance.

Many, like the Pharisees and Herodians, have conferenced and plotted with crafty schemes to get rid of Jesus from the world’s culture and their lives. They will not have Him as their Lord and King, so salvation means nothing to them.

Some like the idea of heaven and claim it by their own means – what makes sense to their canal minds. Still, others prefer to follow their dead spiritual leaders who promised them something euphoric.

All those spiritual gurus remain dead, but Jesus rose from the dead and is alive and coming back as he promised. He is mercifully and graciously calling “whoever believes” (John 3:16) and wills to come and receive life in Him for eternity. He who has promised is faithful and will save you if only you will come (Romans 10:13).

The door to heaven is still open through Jesus (John 14:6) until you draw your last breath (Luke 16:19-31). The choice remains yours today, but remember, you do not own tomorrow (Hebrews 3:15).

So, do not be caught in your own trap of unbelief and drag yourself into hell. Take the escape door Jesus has opened to you (Colossians 1:13-14) and receive eternal life in Him (John 1:12-13; Romans 10:9-10, 13).


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