Refocus for Your Healing

Photo by Zeynep YILMAZ on

John 5:7

New International Version – UK

‘Sir,’ the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’

For Encouragement

They gathered expectantly at the pool of Bethesda; a place believed to have healing powers. The angels were said to stir the water, and the first person to enter the pool after this stirring would be healed. Unfortunately, not all received their healing. Imagine the anticipation and struggle of the people and the disappointment that swept through the significant number of disabled— “the blind, the lame, [and] the paralyzed” (John 5:4).

The race to get in was a classic survival of the fittest among the disabled. How could this man, an invalid for thirty-eight years get ahead of this pack that included man relatively strong people like the deaf, dumb, leprous, or partially sighted?

Jesus walks in one day, and learns of the man’s condition, and asks him:

“Do you want to get well?”

The Lord always asks a question from a completely informed position. Nothing eludes His Omniscience. He asks only to focus the recipient’s attention on Him and incite faith for a miracle.

The man’s response was a classic blame game, revealing the heart that does not look within itself for clues and guidance but blames everybody for its circumstances.

‘Sir,’ the invalid replied, ‘I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.’

Step back for a second and observe the man’s argument. Yes, he wants to get well. That’s why he has stationed himself at the pool to wait for the angel’s visitation, which he considered his only hope for healing. However, the obstacles overwhelm him every time the pool gets stirred. Worse of all, people are selfish and inconsiderate.

“So don’t blame me, mister whoever you are.”

The man’s response echoes in the valley of despair everywhere these days, but how refreshing the mercy and grace of God in Christ.

Jesus did not rebuke the man, but just said,

“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” (8).

These words, spoken with authority and love, transformed the man’s life in an instant, a demonstration of the power of Jesus to heal and restore.

Isn’t it sweet?

When you become overwhelmed and frustrated, the Prince of Peace says, take your eyes from the human objects of your hope and expectation. I am the Healer you have waited for, with the wrong focus all these years, and now I have come. Have faith in my word, and it will heal you.

Now, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

The waiting was over. Anxiety had seized. Joy had replaced disappointment and frustration. After thirty-eight years, the invalid was whole again because the Savior intervened, and he will for you. This transformation, from a life of suffering and despair to one of joy and wholeness, is a testament to the power and love of Jesus.

So, stop worrying that nothing is working for you, and look to the Savior in you to bring glory to the Father in your situation. Yield to Him by faith and receive mercy and grace for a miracle in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
