A Chat with the Pastor

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

James 1:6-7

Member:Pastor, God has been so good to me. My marriage, children, grandchildren, health, and business are all doing great, by His grace. But still, Pastor, I can’t eat or sleep well.  What seems to be the problem? Is there anything God is hiding from me?

Pastor:  Well, let’s see. How is your devotional life? Do you diligently study your Bible?

Member:  I am good, Pastor. Personal and family devotions are sacred commitments I never miss any day. Don’t you see how I actively participate in Wednesday Bible studies?

Pastor: Do you tithe faithfully?

Member: Pastor! Haven’t you checked the record lately? Don’t you see my check every month? I give very well too. I am sure you have taken notice of the size of my envelope every Sunday.   

Pastor: No. That’s your business with God, brother.

Are you having an affair?

Member: How could you imagine that, Pastor? You know me. I can’t do that to Pat. No! I am clean there.

Pastor: How about your relationship with others? Are you holding any grudges against anyone?

Member: I couldn’t, Pastor. Not after your sermon on forgiveness six weeks ago. That was an excellent message.

Pastor: How about your taxes? Do you pay the right taxes and customs duties?

Member: Pastor, if there are two things I do when I come to Church; they are listening well and applying the word. Remember when you taught Romans thirteen in the Wednesday Bible study? That verse seven really hit me in the eye. I had some issues then, but now I am good. Ask my accountant and tax attorney.

Pastor: You seem to be doing very well then, so what is your real problem?

Member: Ah, ah, Pastor! That’s why I’m talking to you. I thought you are the man of God, so you know it all. If God will reveal anything to anyone, it is you.

Pastor: Well, I see the problem. But give me a day or two to pray about this for confirmation and I will get back to you.

Member: That’s why I love my Pastor. But don’t forget the fasting part, Pastor. I will have a special envelope for you this Sunday. Thank you, Pastor. I feel better already.

(As the member turned to leave, the Pastor called after him.)

Pastor: One last question, James. Do you pray?

Member: Sure, Pastor. I do pray day and night.

Pastor: Do you trust God when you pray?

Member: Of course, Pastor. How can I pray without trusting my Jesus?

Pastor: Of course, of course, James. You trust Him. But I am confused here. Why do you expect God to reveal your situation to me and not you if you trust Him in prayer? Or you don’t really trust Him in everything?

Member: You see, that’s what I said earlier. God has already revealed my problem to you. You are, indeed, a man of God. I don’t know how to relax, Pastor. Sometimes, I am like Job. Other times I am like Martha. I worry about many things. I pray about them, but I can’t let go. Help me, Pastor, please.

Pastor: Let me pray with you, James.

“Father help James to know that you love him and that you care for him. Open the eyes of his heart to know and understand your love for him, and may your peace be with him always in Jesus, Amen!”

Member: Thank you Pastor and have a good day. (Turns to leave)

Pastor:  Oh, James, don’t forget the personal envelope on Sunday.

Member:  But, Pastor, you did not fast.

Pastor: I know. But I haven’t eaten today because of my time with you, James, so I have fasted. (Laughing)

Member: That’s why I love you, Pastor. You have a great sense of humor.

Pastor: Stay blessed, James, and have a good week.