Of Promises and Conditions

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Joshua 1:7

New International Version

 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”

For Encouragement

In Joshua 1:8 b, God not only promised Joshua prosperous ways and success (NKJ), but He also reassured him of these blessings. The Standard College dictionary defines prosperous as successful; flourishing, and success as a favorable or expected outcome of something attempted. God emphasized His promise of guaranteed success in the undertakings of His servant in the Promised Land. This reassurance is what Joshua needed to hear, and I believe it is precisely what we all want to hear from God now.

It’s crucial not to overlook a vital aspect of this enticing promise from God—the conditions that are intricately tied to it.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all written in it (8a).

It’s like taking medicine when we are sick. We want to be healed by it, but want nothing to do with its bitter taste. Believers do the same thing. We want the promises of God, but not the conditions that come with them. Drug manufacturers have found a way out by coating the pill, putting it in a capsule, or adding flavor to reduce the bitterness. Likewise, believers want to rationalize or manipulate God’s word to avoid the conditions. We claim these promises and pray all day long, hoping to twist the arm of God to make our ways prosperous and successful. However, nobody can manipulate God. His arm is too big and strong for any of us to twist. He means what He says, and He does not play favoritism. His word is unchangeable.

God’s message to Joshua was straightforward:

Obey my instructions and I will make your ways prosperous and give you outstanding success in the Promised Land. No one can stand before you and prevail all the days of your life. Only hold on to my word with a firm grip and let your stand be unwavering.

The summary above is the essence of being strong and courageous (vv. 6a, 7a, 9a). It’s not just a command, but a path to empowerment and responsibility. Obedience to God’s word is the key to unlocking His promises, and it’s in our hands if we take this challenge.

The outcome is stark and sobering. As long as Joshua lived, the people followed God and experienced success. Before his passing, he urged them to fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and truth … (and) choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve … (24:14-15) so they may continue to prosper. However, after his death, everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). The result was not just a lack of prosperity, but failure and defeat instead of success. This serves as a stark reminder of the harsh consequences of not adhering to God’s instructions.

God promises us many things in the Bible, ours to claim for His glory. But many of them come with conditions we have to meet if we are to claim them. It’s not just about fulfilling these conditions, but also about having faith in God’s faithfulness and His ability to fulfill His promises. So, let’s determine to fulfill the conditions in His word, and the promises will be ours to claim.

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