A Friend Indeed.

Photo by Jaime Reimer on Pexels.com

Proverbs 18:24

New King James Version

A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

For Encouragement

A true friend, who can find in this selfish world?

He was a friend to his father, a trusted warrior by his side. He was not deficient in loyalty (2 Samuel 1:23). Dignified and trusted by the men he led (1 Samuel 14:44-45), Jonathan did not hold on to his rank as king-in-waiting above righteous living.

Then came along a young man, brave and exuding faith in God like none Jonathan knew (17:32-55). Jonathan discerned the heart of David and loved him (19:1).

Our love is tested in the scales of sincerity when another person with everything we adore comes along in a relationship. Couples know this better than any other. Check the current statistics on divorce, and you will know my bearing. However, there are other relationships that also get tested on this scale of integrity. The friendship between Jonathan and David is one of them.

How could Jonathan care for David without betraying his loyalty to his father? Somehow, Jonathan did that refreshingly, and it demands our careful consideration and emulation.

Jonathan honored Saul as his father and king. As his father, he loved and respected Saul. His loyalty to Him as king remained firm.

His loyalty was not a blind one. It discerned and responded with nobility in honor of God’s holiness. When his father was wrong, Jonathan called him out, not fearing his wrath. Neither did he allow his love and loyalty to prevent him from making righteous decisions concerning his father (1 Samuel 20:30-33).

Though he was the legal successor to the throne, Jonathan did not allow that to cloud his spiritual perspective. He knew David had the anointing of God for the throne after his father, and that was enough for him to yield to God and not fight for his rights. Jonathan ceded to David as the anointed king of Israel after his father, without jealousy or malice (12-17). He went beyond and above to support, encourage, and protect David until his loyalty and respect for authority led him to die with his father in battle on Mt. Gilboa (31:1-6). What a man!

Solomon was right. “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24).

Do you have such a friend? More than that. Are you a friend who sticks closer than a brother to those who consider you their friend?

Jesus is the ultimate friend who is closer than our earthly kindred. He is the only Friend (John 15:13-15) and Brother (Hebrews 2:12), who never leaves our side nor forsakes us in troubled times (13:5-6).

Though it is difficult to love our friends with the sincerity of Christ, we can do it in the power His Spirit provides as we yield to Him with purpose.

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